There's a lot going on in February!

There's a lot going on in February!


Wow! There's a lot going on in February, with a lot of info to glean. We have 

  • Black History Month
  • National Heart Month
  • Cancer Prevention Month
  • Chinese New Year
  • Mardi Gras (and the beginning of Lent)
  • Valentine's Day
  • National Wear Red day which just happens to be a Friday which means RED Friday.

Since you might not have heard of RED Friday, let's start there. RED stands for Remember Everyone Deployed. Those of us who have experienced a deployment or the deployment of our family members wear red on Fridays. I't a quiet statement, but I've met other military parents just by wearing red on Friday! Who knew?

Black History Month

Having a national Black History Month has spurred me to get more information on the lives of our black community from a historical perspective. I'd like to recommend a few good books to begin with.

  • The Warmth Of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson. This is a historical study of The Great Migration
  • I Know Why The Caged bird Sings A memoir by Maya Angelou
  • They Were Her Property by Stephanie Jones-Roberts (Haven't finished this one yet) This is about the role that white women played in American history.

The more I read and discover, the more I understand why white people in this country just want to quiet the conversation.

National Heart Month 

Lyndon B Johnson, in 1964 declared February National Heart Month in order to tackle heart disease in earnest. It's a great time to focus on improving your heart health. You can find a ton of info at From ways to give or get involved to menus including heart healthy ingredients and losing weight to fitness.

National Cancer Prevention Month

February has also been deemed National Cancer Prevention Month. Take this as a reminder to schedule your cancer screenings. I had a friend, a single mother of two teenage boys die last year from colon cancer that spread to her liver before she was diagnosed. She didn't heed the early warning signs because she was "too young for cancer" and was thinking it was just a dietary disorder of some sort, and one that would pass. By the time she she got checked out, the cancer was at stage 4. She had several surgeries and many rounds of chemo before the disease finally took her. 

February 5th: National Heart Health Day and RED Friday

February 7th Super Bowl

February 12th Chinese New Year...the year of the Ox

February 14th Valentine's Day

February 16th Mardi Gras...Laissez les bons temps rouler! Let the good times roll! 

I hope you'll do some reading or get into some audiobooks this month, Focus on your heart health and get your cancer screenings!

Be well!


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